Hey, blogspot readers, though somewhat a small victory but nonetheless a historic moment as Pride month comes to a close. Before adjourning for the summer, the US Supreme Court waited until this day to hand down its rulings on two cases on DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) and Prop 8 (the California law Proposition 8) which had many same-sex couples cheering and celebrating.
The Court ruled that section 3 of DOMA was unconstitutional and now couples can enjoy the financial benefits and equal dignity of a recognized marriage as heterosexual couples. Meanwhile, Prop 8 was thrown back to the lower court in California thus striking down the ban on same-sex marriages, blogspot readers. At the time of this blog entry, same-sex marriage ceremonies have resumed in California.

The organizers of the march promise to back in full force during the summer in letting their voices be heard on Saturday July 13 during the Taste of Chicago and 22 October - the March on Springfield, blogspot readers.
Show your support, blogspot readers. Marriage is an equal right and for all...
Until next time, support your local scene,
The final count for yesterday's Pride Parade attendance topped at 1 million.