Let’s go to the movies, blogspot readers!
That’s how SouthSide recently spent her Saturday. Munching
on buttery popcorn, snacking on yummy Raisinettes, and drinking cool refreshing
soda while watching her cinematic favorites on the big screen inside the Patio
Theatre during Sci-Fi Spectacular 2014. This one-day movie-a-thon had a little
something everyone, blogspot readers. There were monsters in space (George
Melies’ A Trip To the Moon) and on land (Godzilla vs King Kong), fantasy
(Legend and Pan’s Labyrinth), sci-fi adventure/action (Buckaroo Banzai and
Escape From New York) and horror (Night Of The Living Dead and Dead Zone). Over
fourteen hours of movies as well as a Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode, “Hush”
and indie movie shorts in between attracted avid moviegoers of all ages. PLUS
there were special appearances by Doug Jones (of Pan’s Labyrinth and Hellboy I
& II) and Kyra Schon (aka Karen Cooper from Night Of The Living Dead).
Besides viewing movies, fans could hang out ...browse and shop the many vendors
such as Horribles, Kutcha Galleries participating at this event.
SouthSide with Doug Jones |
Upon arriving, SouthSide spent a few minutes chatting with
Doug Jones about his roles in Pan Labyrinth and Hellboy I & II wondering
how he felt being the only English-speaking actor in a Spanish-speaking movie.
He mention it was hard learning a language he doesn’t speak but he did learn
his lines in Spanish “...though it was hard concentrating...” after hours of
makeup and costuming. Did you know, blogspot readers, that Doug was also the White-faced
monster (the one with eyes in its hands) in Pan’s Labyrinth? Yep, that was him.
After the movie’s showing on the big screen, Doug noted something that this
reviewer hadn’t noticed before. His “Faun” character in the movie ages
backwards (from old to young with more agility in the end) as Ofelia continues
to believe in herself and the moon princess tale. For SouthSide, to finally see
this Guillermo Del Toro masterpiece on the big screen was one of the many
highlights of her Sci-Fi Spectacular experience. It was more enjoyable than
watching it on DVD because on a large screen she could totally immerse herself
into the majestic fairy tale world as well as the realistic horror of the
Spanish countryside during World War II created by this director. There was a
funny moment during the screening of Pan’s Labyrinth in which a guy shouted
“...there’s pizza in the lobby...” after the tense scene when Capt. Vidal’s men
were shot by the rebels. Speaking of Guillermo Del Toro, Doug Jones just
finished another movie with him in Toronto (currently in post production)
however the actor was only allowed to reveal it’s about a haunted house. Here’s
another movie fact about Doug Jones ...he was “Billy” in the Disney movie Hocus
Pocus. Oh yeah - don't be afraid to get a special hug from this actor. He's a GREAT hugger who loves to give everyone cool doggie pets on the head!
Kyra Schon |
At the opposite end of the concession hallway, Kyra Schon
aka Karen Cooper from Night Of The Living Dead was setting up her photos and
trowel jewelry for fans to purchase. Recently, this reviewer was lucky enough
to interview the woman behind the iconic horror character but meeting her in
person was a chance of a lifetime, blogspot readers. SouthSide could simply
spend hours with Kyra chatting about trivia bits and pieces about NOTLD as if
the George A. Romero movie had just finished wrapping up yesterday because
every memory is still fresh in Kyra’s mind. She remembers observing her friend
Mimi jumping in her seat during the scene when the zombie hands came through
the window of the farmhouse as well as the day Romero was delivering the movie
to the distributor in New York when the news broke that Martin Luther King was
assassinated. Kyra mentioned he (Romero) was worried it wouldn’t be shown
because of the movie’s ending. She also mentioned that Duane Jones wasn’t the
first choice to portray the character “Ben”. According to her, the role was
designed for a burly trucker type until Duane Jones was given the opportunity
to audition for the part which immediately blew everyone including the original
guy picked to play the trucker character. Sadly, she never got the chance to
see him again yet on the day of the premiere, Kyra received a dozen of roses
that her first instant thought was they were from Duane. Her mother

did confirm
her instinct was correct even though she would learn the truth years later.
During the NOTLD screening, SouthSide mostly sat in the darkness of the theatre
wondering if Kyra was watching us and our reactions while watching the movie
especially her scenes. Still, to finally view this Romero horror classic was a
big thrill for this reviewer. From
Johnny’s iconic line “...they’re coming to get you, Barbara...” to Karen
Cooper’s only line “...I hurt...” in which had many within this packed theatre
cheering. More cheers were aplenty while Kyra did her iconic zombie scenes but
then suddenly you could hear boos and jeers when Ben died. No matter how many
times Kyra has seen this movie, she still cannot watch this one particular
scene. After the screening, she talked about her time on the NOTLD set (in
which she mentioned it was boring but fun) and the basement scenes were filmed
in the basement of Romero’s studio while the farmhouse scenes were done 30
miles north of Pittsburgh in Evansville. You may (or not) have noticed there
weren’t any scenes of Kyra’s character actually stabbing her mother with the
trowel. She was stabbing into a pillow. And believe it or not, Kyra never had
any bad dreams after filming this movie though The Omen and Carrie did
disturbed and scared her, blogspot readers. However, it took conventions and
events like Sci-Fi Spectacular that she learned to finally accept it was okay
to be a part of the horror culture even though before (as a young teen) she
didn’t like being the center of negative attention (Kyra was teased by a boy
after the NOTLD premiere).An audience member asked if she (and/or Romero) ever
thought about the movie’s societal significance back then to which she said
that she hadn’t since they were simply making a horror movie not a statement
about society.
“...all the dreams of youth are regrets of maturity...” ~
Dark Lord (Tim Curry), “Legend”
Tom Kelly |

Besides oohing and ahhing the fantasy world of unicorns,
fairies and sprites as well as gigantic horns of Dark Lord (Tim Curry) of
"Legend" (also starring a young Tom Cruise and Mia Sara) or laughing at the comical
antics of John Big Booty and Jeff Goldblum’s surgeon character in a cowboy
costume in the 80s cult classic Buckaroo Banzai (also starring Peter Weller, Ellen
Barkin, John Lithgow), SouthSide also spent some time browsing amongst the many
vendors at Sci-Fi Spectacular 2014. One vendor in particular caught her eye, blogspot
readers, because the sign read “Orphan Kitties”. And for $7, you could take
home a unique Hello Kitty creation by illustrator Tom Kelly (a comic book
artist by day) who dresses them up as your favorite comic superhero or villain.
He told this reviewer that it started about 8 years ago at a comic convention
in which he had drawn a Hello Kitty as Batgirl for a vendor’s young daughter.
Before it was over, he had approximately 50 orders. “...all I was really doing
was something nice fore this little girl...” Tom stated before adding that his
creations are quite popular with people all ages from kids to women and men
(evil super villains are his biggest sellers with them). What he does is called
“upcycling” because he turns the cardboard (he gets from electronics stores)
into art which is mostly geared for comic conventions but around Halloween, he
does create Hello Kitty witches, Freddie (Krugers) and more. For more
information about Tom Kelley and his art, check out his site at
http://www.tomkellyart.deviantart.com. SouthSide had to say “hi” to the guys at the shop
where local horror personality, Svengoolie, get his rubber chickens flown for
his Saturday television program – Horribles. She highly recommends checking out
this horror collectable shop for its many rare to “hard to find” movie
memorabilia to add to your collection. Next, she had to check another vendor
who beautifully captured your favorite horror villains and heroes through this
artist’s custom illustrations and designs. This reviewer also highly recommends
checking out Chris Kuchta of Kutcha Galleries
(http://www.horrorartist.com) from
Lafayette, IN, blogspot readers. She liked how this artist paid close to every
intimate detail of each main character from movies like Big Trouble In Little
China, Candyman (that was her favorite design), Hellraiser and many more
including Nosferatu to which you could have framed for display. Chris’ art
grabbed plenty attention throughout the Sci-Fi Spectacular with few of the
attendees taking home some of his lovely artwork. Other vendors included two
from comic shops that would make any fanboy (or fangirl) squeal with excitement
over the various array of comic selections for sale (some were discounted too)
and jewelry vendors like Asunder (http://www.asunder.deviantart.com) who will be also at
Convergence 20 happening soon.
Sci-Fi Spectacular fans |
In between movies, there were movie trailers (like one for
Chrysalis – this reviewer liked the premise for this movie ...can’t wait to see
it), shorts (Jack was very creepy and twisted) and a 50s inspired movie trailer
contest in which local aspiring directors created movies from themes within
that nostalgic era shot in black-n-white. Movies like Leave It Creature (the
creature being the Beaver character), Corn Stalk, Let’s Invite Satan To the
Slumber Party and more were voted by audience applause and cheers, blogspot
readers. And the winner was – Corn Stalk! “...everyone loves a killer corn
movie...” It was a fun day for all but you don’t have to take SouthSide’s word
...simply read the following quotes from those who were there. “...I’m happy to
be here...” says her friend Germ the Ripper who also stated that Sci-Fi
Spectacular was good so far and movie marathons are his bread and butter.
Meanwhile, Donita had this to say “...[it’s] a lot of fun...” though she’s not
a big horror fan but she’s a big 80s fantasy fan and was excited to see her
favorite Legend on the big screen. Kirsten, who was one of many arriving at
noon for the official start, told this reviewer she was excited to see Buckaroo
Banzai on the big screen. “...pretty good lineup this year...” though her
favorite Return Of The Living Dead wasn’t on it. Then, SouthSide met a woman
named Andrea who also arrived at noon who told her that she has attended most
of Terror In The Aisles events. “...Pan’s Labyrinth is my favorite [but] seeing
Buckaroo Banzai on the big screen was kinda thrill...”Yet she was most excited
to see Kurt Russell in Escape From New York because she had never seen it at
all, blogspot readers.
What a day watching her favorite movies. SouthSide can’t
wait for next year...
Until next time, support your local scene,
ReplyDeleteGood lord, this is like a Con or something and it happened in one afternoon? Also, "Hush" is one of my favorite "Buffy" episodes.
Not a con, Joe, but almost like it. Yep, it all happened in one single day...