"Hello, ladies and gentlemen ...welcome to the carnival..." ~ Mr. Agitator
Villains, Superheroes, and Goths ...oh my!?
Yes, blogspot readers, besides being a hot bed of sports activity, Chicago surrendered itself to Villains and Superheroes for the C2E2 and Goths for Convergence 20. Oh, what's a reviewer like SouthSide do? Well ...need to worry - she did both! First, she made a quick appearance at Bottom Lounge to say "hi" and welcome the lovely guests visiting town for Convergence 20 before making that mad CTA dash to Hard Rock Café for the Fallon Flynn Farewell party featuring Mr. Agitator, Vex, The Pulse, Fallon Flynn ...and a new Villain rockin' the stage as V Is For Villains. What a fantastic weekend happening around town...
Fallon Flynn - he will be sorely missed.

Recently, Fallon Flynn (real identity withheld) made a tough yet difficult decision to (temporarily) withdraw from the band known as V Is For Villains to trade-in his mask for one as a *gasp* family man. Yep, there's a little Villain or Villainess on the way, blogspot readers for this Villain guitarist and girlfriend which means the Villain nation will be short one vital person to support Mr. Agitator's planned villainy to rule the world! However ...all is not lost for this rockin' band of "evil" cohorts! There's a new Villain member stepping in Fallon's shoes for the time being. But before he could join the "normal" world as a regular person, Villains everywhere converged recently at Hard Rock Café to give this fearless guitarist the BIGGEST farewell bash ever thus making it a night no villain would not forget.

This was no ordinary V Is For Villains show, blogpot readers! It was the stage performance of their lifetime as our heroes (looking ever so snazzy in their costumes of villainy) opened the show with such intense fierceness during "Downright Arrogant". They were fired up ...energized ...pumping their "evil" villainy to the fullest that Eva Trixx believes it might have frightened a few of the Hard Rock Café patrons little. As Minister of Misinformation, let Eva be the first to tell you - WAKE UP, world! V Is For Villains will take over ...so either "Evolve or Die" ...resistance is futile. Okay back to the review. It was that energized momentum which had many crowding the stage singing along with the Villains leader, Mr. Agitator, song after song. Never had this villainess seen him so vigorously, passionately pumped on stage before ...not even when performing a couple of months ago at Bottom Lounge. It was that intense that Mr. Agitator was stripping off his costume ...down to his shirt and pants. Tonight, it was villainy at the purest form.

Performing songs like "Black Swan" (a Villains love ballad), "Everybody Hates Me", and "Broken Doll", this band rocked the stage with a bit of demented sexiness while performing the Nine Inch Nails cover "Closer". There was a sense of erotic sexiness wafting around the venue, blogspot readers, that could be felt as well as heard. Yet, this villainized song also had its moments of creepiness but it felt so sadistically good down to the very last piano rhythm drops (by the lovely Vex). Still this was Fallon's party ...so there were plenty of playful banter and antics between villain brothers especially when Mr. Agitator took a moment to express his heartfelt thanks to Fallon for all that he has done for and with the band during the last 3 years (wow - has it been that long?!). Fallon did promise to return. "Rise Above" and accept your inner villain person, blogspot readers! Yes, everyone's a "Sinner" and wants to be "Popular".

As for the new villain guy taking over Fallon's place as cohort and co-leader to Mr. Agitator ...those are mighty HUGE shoes he has to fill. Yet in Eva Trixx's opinion, he does fit in nicely with the Villains stage presence and guitar work (but needs to work on the costume a little) especially when rockin' the fan favorite "Pink Elephants". He may not be Fallon Flynn but he does execute the intense guitar riffs and sound needed to vitalize this band's energy to its full potential ...he doesn't miss a beat either when it comes to adding a bit of his own personality into each song played. The new guitarist (whose identity remains a secret for now) does have the "evil" chops to support Mr. Agitator's goal of ruling the world with one new villain convert at a time. Eva highly recommends every villain within the Villain nation to welcome the Villains new guitarist when attending the next V Is For Villains show.
Until next time, support your local scene,
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Thank you for your feedback - SouthSide