“...enjoy this insanity...” ~ Combichrist
Yep, blogspot readers, you definitely know it’s a hot show
when the sign on the venue door reads loud and clear that the concert on this
particular night is absolutely SOLD OUT. That was the case on Sunday when
SouthSide and photographer Brian Lutz along with a crowd of many attended the
Combichrist show featuring New Year’s Day and William Control at Bottom Lounge.
This reviewer was excited to see William again after enjoying the last show he
did a few months ago as well as seeing her friends, New Year’s Day, returning
to Chicago. However, she was most excited to see Combichrist perform live on
stage after being introduced to the band’s music when Joe Letz performed a rare
DJ set at SubT the month prior. And the way things looked, blogspot readers, it
was going to be one insanely wild and awesome night of music.
“...Am I insane?” ~ Ash of New Year’s Day
SouthSide is a creep. The “Creeps” (New Year’s Day fans)
were out in full force tonight, blogspot readers, cheering, moshing as well as
body surfing amidst the hardcore sound
from their favorite band – New Year’s Day. Currently on tour, this band kicked
off the night of insane wild and craziness which featured intense primal
screain’ vocals to fierce guitar riffs fueling excitement and much more
throughout the venue. Though their opening set was quite brief, NYD still
packed a lot of momentous punch into it ...not sparing one second of its
allotted time with idle chatter or nonsense. No, this band came to rock and
rock they did, blogspot readers. Performing songs like “Technical Party” and
“Murder”, creeps were encouraged to crowd surf despite the venue’s strict
policy. Plus there were a few wheelchairs somewhere close to the stage.
SouthSide’s friend and photographer had a difficult time shooting photos since
he was closer to the craziness that ensued near the stage during this
performance (along with others to follow after NYD). Never had SouthSide seen a
crowd respond so passionately to Ash (NYD female lead vocalist) whenever she
would expressive the lyrics with not only the emotions in her voice but with
body language (especially when she flipped off people) or to the thrilling
shred of the guitars and thunderous drums inciting the wild crowd reactions. What
an explosive start to tonight’s show. From beginning to end, it was an intense
bang that left the “Creeps” begging for more blood and music, blogspot readers.
This reviewer highly recommends checking NYD’s single “Angel Eyes” (featuring
Chris Motionless) off the latest release Victim to Villain. For more
information, follow New Year’s Day at http://www.twitter.com/NYDrock.
“...Are you ready to have a good time?” ~ William Control

Yes, but before joining the crowd for all of the rockin’ fun
and excitement, this reviewer sat down with William Control to discuss about
his recently released new album, The Neuromancer. Stating that he’s excited
about it, William went on to describe it as “...pretty fuckin’ filthy and
amazing...” It’s close to what this reviewer would say about The Neuromancer
after listening to an advance copy before its recent release, blogspot readers.
Compared to his other albums, this artist mentioned he feels that he’s
“...evolving as a songwriter, musician and producer...” besides the album also
has a great cover (photo). William went on to tell this reviewer that The
Neuromancer “...is the prelude to the hate
culture...” based off his book, Revelator: Neuromancer – about how he (the
character) lost his mind before asking him if there’s a song that reflects his
personality. “...All of them are bits and pieces of my personality...” says
William, “...[it’s] about the character I created...” then emphatically adding
“...buy it [The Neuromancer] and tell your friends to buy it...” This reviewer concurs with that
statement wholeheartedly. She also recommends checking out William Control
while he’s currently on tour. What could she say about seeing him for a second
time, blogspot readers? Did she have fun like the first time? Yes yet this time
she attended the show more like a fan. It was another thrilling time spent with
this dapper gent of a musician who had this crowd pumped with excitement amidst
the cloud of New World Order within hate culture which left many screaming for
more. By now, the venue had swelled to near capacity for this mid-lineup
performance that was shrouded in clouded electric glow, rockin’ guitars and
digital tech rhythms to give each of William’s fans one long continuous party.
However this reviewer noticed one thing about this performance compared to the
last. He didn’t have much room to truly to move and perform at his fullest
(because of the drum riser for Combichrist) yet that minor problem didn’t stop
this musician from weaving his sexy magic on his loyal fans. Performing live
versions of “Price We Pay”, “Revelator” and “Illuminator” off The Neuromancer,
William’s commanding presence on stage excited everyone especially when he did
a couple of song duets with Ash (of New Year’s Day) and invited a lucky female
fan to join him. Though it wasn’t part of the set list, this reviewer suggests
listening to her (and Brian’s) favorite song – “The Filth and The Fetish” for
its deliciousness of chilling shivers which roll down your spine. William also
performed her other two favorites – “Razor’s Edge” and “I’m Only Human” to end
his (rather) short(er) performance than usual,
blogspot readers. Still it was a thrilling ride. And if you missed his
Chicago performance this time, he promised to return again in the fall
...expect SouthSide to be there too when he does. For more information as well
as checking out his album. The Neuromancer, visit http://www.williamcontrol.com.
“CombiFuckin’Christ” ~ the sign on the dressing room door
Combichrist |
The moment finally had arrived, blogspot readers, for
SouthSide to witness as well as experience the band as Combichrist. Recently,
this reviewer had a taste of this band’s hardcore industrial/post-punk rock
sound when Joe Letz performed a rare DJ set at Subterranean. However, what she
experienced then didn’t compared what happened tonight. Describing Combichrist’s
headlining show as insanely awesome, thrillingly wild and fan-frenzied chaos is
a good start without giving too much away. SouthSide felt sorry for
photographer Brian Lutz (who wasn’t able to snap any photos) was caught deep in
the middle of fan-frenzied chaos that erupted soon after the band’s symphonic
intro ended amidst thunderous cheers (and some jeers because the intro was a
bit too long for a few impatient fans). Combi-fans packed all sides of this
venue ...side to side ...front to back. Wall to wall bodies pumped up and ready
as they welcomed their rock heroes loud and clear when finally appearing on
stage. Fanatic shouts of “...hate disorder/ love destroyer...” filled the room,
blogspot readers. There were moments when daring fans jumped on stage only to
be instantly pushed off by the band’s videographer for a bit of crowd surfing.
And if you thought it was wild amongst the hardcore Combi-fans, then you should
have seen the band itself. The front man first appeared on stage wearing a red
devil-like mask energetically inciting the crowd to react to each angered cry
he made over the microphone. The other members of the band followed suited
...rockin hard amongst their various positions on stage even Joe high upon the
synths riser. Yet with all of the fan frenzy going on, blogspot readers, it
instantly warmed up the venue to the point that the slow moving fans couldn’t
help alleviate the rise room temperature. Some of the Combi-fans this reviewer
had seen were nearly passing out and had to sit near the emergency exit doors
to catch that cool breeze blowing in. Don’t get SouthSide wrong ...she did
enjoy the wild craziness at her first Combichrist performance. From the dark
themes inciting anger and frustration over the societal ways and rules to the
gritty roughness of the electric riffs off the guitars and vocal fervor
constantly fueling their fans excitement. Sadly, the warmth inside this venue
ended SouthSide’s fun earlier than expected. Still, she cannot wait until
Combichrist returns again. For more information, visit Combichrist at
Special thanks to Brian Lutz for snapping William Control pictures taken during the interview.
Until next time, support your local scene,
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Thank you for your feedback - SouthSide