Hey, blogspot readers, Irish eyes are beginning to smile during this pre-St. Patrick's Day weekend ...and this reviewer has a full schedule of music, fun and more to keep her busy around town. Tonight, she's rockin' at Lakeview's Elbo Room with The Disclaimers ...oops, she means The Fine Print. This 5-piece local band was sharing the stage with Hot Alaska, The Back Forty and Kevin Leeds who headlined the show.

The Fine Print's main focus of the night was to perform "...
original rock driven by the lyrics ...bringing the songs to life..." And throughout their set, they were entertaining the audience heartwarming melodies and words because "...
everything exists to serve the songs..." according to brothers Chris and Jon Herning during the interview with SouthSide after the show. There's also one more thing the band would like you to know about them - "...
[we're] not a jam band..." That is so true. There's the right enough of a melodic break in the bridge to carry your ears along with the tune before returning you back to the original rhythm. However, don't think of them as a serious rock band when noticing how the songs tend to take on a serious tone, blogspot readers. But fortunately the guys aren't that serious. They're having way too much "serious" fun while rocking on stage. Sounds like a weird combination, doesn't it? Yet, that's what the band likes to do keeping things plain and simple for the fans through its melodic flow and rhythms. Besides that, The Fine Print boosts a tight vocal harmonic sound within its "serious" alternative/rock music.

With songs like "Hope", "Mysterious" and "All These Things I've Done", you might get the sense there's perhaps a message within the words ...and you would be right, BlogSpot readers. For instance take the closing song "We Are More" and listen very carefully to the words. For the band it's their anthem since it perfectly capture who and what they are as The Fine Print. Still this simple song has a much more deeper thought in which everyone can relate to. "..
we are more than what the world sees us..." In a way, blogspot readers, we should try to be more than how we perceive our own selves. This reviewer also recommends listening to "Shut Out The Light" an upbeat tempo amidst a lively rhythm that had this crowd dancing to the beat meanwhile "Nothing Without You" expressed some heartfelt as well as serious emotions tucked inside the lyrics. While watching this band perform, SouthSide could vividly see how not only the music but the seriousness of the words connected with their audience ...how the words spoke to the mind and heart yet still providing a melodic floetry to dance to.

It wasn't all that serious of a performance, blogspot readers. There were some fun moments to be had with The Fine Print. Like why did they change the band name from The Disclaimers to The Fine Print. Well, there's a funny story behind that. It seems there are about three other bands with the same name and a fan casually mentioned (after performing elsewhere) they had a good YouTube page. Yet, that particular page belonged another band named The Disclaimers. The other fun moment was tonight's wacky band giveaways. It was an autographed box of Skittles and two pairs of white "granny" panties. Yes, you heard right on the last part. "...
it's [the giveaways] Matt's idea..." says Jon, "...
he's always doing something random..." One time the band giveaway shirts from the local thrift store with tape on them. But on a serious note, they were the ones giving back to charity because all the band proceeds made were being donated to the Syrian refugee relief in Lebanon.

Oh, fans should know that Andrew (keys/vocals) is the prima donna of the band ...the brothers are just joking but they did mention he does stop band rehearsals for tea time. "...
he's a talented guy but we put up with his weirdness...." So what else would The Fine Print would like to say to their fans? "...
give us a shot ...come see us live ...see if [the music] speaks to you..." Definitely give The Fine Print a chance, blogspot readers, by listening to anthem "We Are More" and "Smile".
For more information about The Fine Print, visit
Until next time, support your local scene,
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