“…leave those cougars alone…” Contriband
It’s hot fun in the summertime, Fearless fans! The summer music season is high gear with lots of reviews planned throughout the month of July. From the Double Door to Elbo Room and Metro, SouthSide will be there covering Fearless bands rocking the stage. On this particular night, she was hanging out at Cubby Bear for some baseball, UFC 100 fighting and music by Contriband, Jimi Falls and From The Broken. SouthSide highly recommends checking out the electrifying guitar rock of Jimi Falls. Guitar fans will enjoy the fast paced changing cords and rhythms that had heads banging to the music. This band certainly blew away plenty of ears too with their energetic instrumentals. Jimi literally lit the stage on fire especially during their American Woman cover. This reviewer suggests listening to I’m Not Falling and Machine Head. For more information about this hot guitar band, visit Jimi Falls at www.jimifalls.com or www.myspace.com/jimifalls.
Until next time, Fearless fans, support your local artists and music.